The Fiber Center is Part of The Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine

The Fiber Center's Maine Crochet Reef Project Receives Award

Fryeburg Fair President accepting the Award

Each year the Maine Agricultural Fair Association presents the 'Outstanding Large Fair Award' and this year it went to Fyeburg Fairs' Fiber Center for "their unique Coral Reef Exhibit". 


Fryeburg Fair President Roy Andrews accepted the award on our behalf and called me with the news. Needless to say I was thrilled to hear that all of the time and effort that the 150 plus people put into creating the more than 900 pieces that make up the reef have been recognized for all of the hard work!.

Mr. Andrews remarked that this is a prestigious award and one to be proud of. He thanked us for our efforts and job well done adding that some important people in the Maine Agricultural scene took notice of what we had done!

It should be noted that Roy Andrews deserves credit for having the foresight long ago that Fiber is an integral part of Maine agricultural and should be properly represented at Maine's largest agricultural fair. It is because of him that we enjoy the largest Fiber specific exhibition hall in New England!

THANK YOU ROY, for believing in us and supporting us all along the way. This award would not have been possible without your confidence and support, for building our Fiber Center all those years ago, and the continued support from the fair which made creating the Maine Reef possible. 

If you missed the Maine Reef Exhibition at the fair last year, fear not! It will be on exhibit through this year's fair from September 29 - October 6, 2013.

Maine & Northern New England Fiber Arts Event Calendar 2013

I'm excited to roll out our new addition of a Fiber Event Calendar! It focuses on Maine & New Hampshire but also has some events being presented in other areas of northern New England. Find the link on the left column of our blog.

Should you learn of an event, exhibition,workshop or fiber art gathering that you think we should add, please contact us!

Fiber Center to Exhibit Maine Mitten Project During 2013 Fryeburg Fair

The Fiber Center's 2013 Community project called the Maine Mitten Project is described as "kind souls making mittens, hats & scarves to help keep Maine's homeless children and adults warm".

These are donations being collected at Close Knit Sisters Yarn shop in N Conway, NH

Contributions are being collected at Heart of Biddeford, Scarborough, Library, REMAX/Country Living Realty in Fryeburg,  and Close Knit Sisters Yarn shop in N Conway. Thanks to all of our supporters! Items will be collected throughout the year, displayed during fair week from September 29th through October 6th and then distributed to recipient organizations.

Organizations who will be receiving the hand made gifts are New Beginnings in Lewiston, Preble Street in Portland, York County Shelters in Alfred, and Shaw House in Bangor.

For more information about how to participate or where to drop off donations, please visit the Maine Mitten Project blog. 

The Fiber Center To Exhibit the Maine Crochet Coral Reef Again in 2013


Well have no fear you haven't lost the opportunity to see the most amazing fiber art exhibition that Maine has ever seen! After nearly two years in the making the Fiber Center debuted the Maine Reef exhibition to rave reviews. After all of that hard work and effort it seemed sacrilege to take the exhibit down having only shown it for 8 days. It was unanimously decided by the powers that be to show it again during the 2013 fair from September 29th through October 6th.

Mark your calendars!