The Fiber Center is Part of The Fryeburg Fair, Fryeburg, Maine

Author Of Maine Mitten Folklore and Pattern Books Robin Hansen To Demonstrate Knitting At Fryeburg Fair

The Fiber Center at Fryeburg Fair is pleased to have Maine author, knitter and folklorist Robin Hansen appearing to demonstrate mitten knitting using patterns included in her many books on Wednesday October 3rd from 11am to 4pm. Hansen is participating in support of The Maine Mitten Project, a new Fiber Center community project to benefit Maine’s Homeless children, families, and adults. The Maine Mitten Project intends to link community with the Traditional Fiber Arts for a good cause. Hand made mittens hats and scarves created by anyone wishing to participate will be collected throughout the next year and donated to Maine’s homeless shelters. At this time Preble Street in Portland and York County Shelter in Alfred have been named as recipients but others are being approached to participate.

Hansen with degrees in Folklore and Folk Life will have copies of her fifth mitten book released last November titled Ultimate Mittens: 28 Classic Patterns to keep You Warm.

 And the rest of her books.....